A former Noel-Baker student who launched his own business at the age of just 18 has been shortlisted for a national award.
Lee Jepson set up L.E.A.D. IT Services – known originally as Noel-Baker IT Services – in 2017 and, since then, the company has more than tripled in size, working with schools, businesses and charities across the UK.
Lee, whose company is based in the Cubo building in Derby city centre, has been shortlisted in the Network Manager of the Year category of the Edufuturists awards, which celebrates people, schools, colleges and universities who are committed to ensuring that technology is an enabler for student progress.
“I’m very humbled to be included alongside so many inspiring education technology professionals across the UK,” said Lee.
“The work we are doing to improve and deploy effective education technology will make such a difference to our young people.”

Lee Jepson at his desk.
L.E.A.D. IT Services provide complete support for their clients, who include Royal School for the Deaf Derby, Asterdale Primary School and Da Vinci Academy. They also work with multi-academy trusts such as Embark Federation and Burton-based Reach 2 Academy and have several SMEs and charities on their books, too.
They recently worked with co-working and flexible office provider Cubo on their latest venture, providing the joined-up systems for CCTV, secure, super-fast internet, office access and meeting room bookings for the building in Chamberlain Square in Paradise, Birmingham.
Rebecca Brough, who set up Cubo with husband Marc in 2020, said: “L.E.A.D. IT Services have enabled Cubo to offer excellent services to our members across all of the sites. We have a state-of-the-art Paxton system to ensure that only members access the buildings, a meeting room booking system, CCTV covering all sites and much more.
“They are always on hand to deal with any emergency IT Issues – if we have any. They’re a great company to work in partnership with and have pulled out all the stops to ensure that everything is working by any tight deadlines that we have given them.”

L.E.A.D. IT technician Jo Fearn working with Asterdale Primary School head teacher David Evans.
The Edufuturists Awards will take place virtually on June 30. You can cast your vote by clicking the link here: Edufuturists Awards 2022 Public Voting Form (google.com)
For further information please contact Kerry Ganly at Penguin PR on 07734 723951 or email kerry@penguinpr.co.uk