Midlands rail firm MTMS which hosts two Christmas parties every year to help young people who have left the care sector feel less alone, has launched its annual appeal to raise money to fund the festive fun.
MTMS has unveiled its 2024 Make a Difference campaign, which aims to sprinkle some Christmas joy across the lives of young people from across the region during December.
The aim is to raise money to pay for all the food, musical entertainment and hampers full of presents at two parties, which will take place in Burton and Derby for just under 200 16 to 25-year-olds who live independently after leaving the care system.

The annual tradition started seven years ago in the wake of a series of suicides among young care leavers living in Staffordshire around Christmas time.
Trandeep Sethi, who is the district lead for children’s services at Staffordshire County Council, realised the loneliness at Christmas was having a devastating effect on the young people who had no families of their own to share the festivities with.
He put out and appeal for help to arrange a party for them and MTMS, which is based in Moira in Leicestershire, responded, alongside members of Derbyshire Freemasons, who offered to host the event at Ashfield House in Burton.

Seven years later, the venue is due to host this year’s party on December 6, with another party, again organised by MTMS and Derbyshire Freemasons, taking place at Littleover Lodge in Derby on December 9.
Malcolm Prentice, group chairman of MTMS and a member of Derbyshire Freemasons, said: “Over the years the parties have proven to be a lifeline for young people who, through no fault of their own, find themselves feeling isolated at Christmas, which is the worst time of the year for anybody to feel alone.
“Every year they come to us and we give them a couple of hours of fun, a roast turkey lunch and a Christmas hamper containing what are likely to be the only presents they’ll receive that year.
“Our staff and volunteers give up their time to run the events, but we can’t make the magic happen without the funds, which is why we’re calling on people to help us out by making a donation to make a difference this Christmas.”
The donations will pay for the meal, entertainment such as a DJ, band or musician and gift hampers for each young person with goodies such as clothes, toiletries and snacks.
Anyone who would like to make a donation can do so by visiting www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/makeadifference2024wd
This story was written and shared on behalf of MTMS by Simon Burch. Can we share your news and get you in the headlines too? Find out how we can help by getting in touch.