Little Lilah Durow was so moved by an assembly about Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People that she decided to organise a bake sale – and used her birthday money to buy all the ingredients.
Nine-year-old Lilah was among pupils at Scargill Church of England Primary School, in West Hallam, who were given a presentation about the hospice which cares for hundreds of babies, children and young people with serious and terminal illnesses from across Derbyshire.
The assembly was held after the school council decided to donate the cash raised during school nativity performances to Rainbows and Lilah, who is in year four then decided to bake her own cupcakes for the charity.
She was helped by her four-year-old brother Jonah, who was in charge of the sprinkles.

Their mum Leane said: “Lilah is quite a character. She came home from school after the assembly on Rainbows and she was non-stop talking about it. She wrote down ideas and decided to make cupcakes.
“She worked really hard and designed a poster. Myself and Jay, her dad, are really proud of her. We are proud of her every day, and she is always so kind and thinking about how she can help others. Because Rainbows is about children, she wanted to help more so.
“In the past, Lilah has raised money for Children in Need by doing a sponsored walk. And during the Covid lockdown, she drew pictures for people in nursing homes as they couldn’t see their families.”
In total Lilah and the school, which belongs to Derby Diocesan Academy Trust, raised £238.50 for the hospice, which relies on donations from the public to remain open.

Rainbows is the East Midlands’ only hospice for babies, children and young people with serious and terminal illnesses. The team provides crucial care and support for children and their families, ranging from end-of-life care to short breaks and bereavement support – at the hospice, at home or in hospital.
Nicola Richardson, Rainbows Community Fundraiser, said: “Lilah is such a lovely little girl and her fundraising means the world to everyone at Rainbows. Without people like Lilah supporting us, we wouldn’t be able to help the hundreds of babies, children and young people that we do.”
For further information please contact Sarah Newton at Penguin PR on 07974 502 764 or email sarah@penguinpr.co.uk
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