Maya, 14, walked into her classes at Allestree Woodlands School on a Monday morning wearing a wig.
Most of her peers and teachers didn’t even notice the change – but the wig hid a huge act of bravery which Maya had made at the weekend. She had shaved off all her hair to support her mum through cancer treatment.
Sam Rathling was diagnosed with breast cancer in October last year after she found a lump during a self-check. Since then, she has undergone surgery and three rounds out of 12 of intensive chemotherapy which leaves her unable to get out of bed for days.
While surgery removed Sam’s cancer, she needs the treatment to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.
Before beginning her chemotherapy, Sam, who is a LinkedIn expert, made the decision to shave off her hair and raise money for Cancer Research UK in the process. However, she hadn’t expected the reaction she got from her two daughters.
“I knew the type of chemo I was going to have was going to make my hair fall out – there was no ‘if’ about it. I didn’t want to brush my hair and see clumps come out, I wanted to take control, so I decided I would shave it off and that I may as well raise money for Cancer Research UK at the same time through an event.
“Then, while I was planning it, Maya just said. ‘I’m going to do it with you.’ It was so amazing, and we set about organising and advertising the event.”
Then, on the day of the big shave, Sam’s younger daughter surprised her.
“My 11-year-old daughter Liliana, who is 11 and will be joining Allestree Woodlands next year, out of the blue said she wanted to do it too. I was just crying, it was so emotional,” said Sam.

Maya’s school friend Elisia supported her throughout and was the one who shaved off Maya’s hair for her at the event at Sam’s Barber’s in Kedleston Road, a barber Sam’s own son, Oscar, has used for nearly 10 years.
“They were brilliant throughout the event and afterwards in supporting us,” said Sam, who documented the event on her Tik Tok channel, through which she is also journalling her cancer journey.
Maya admits it was still quite a shock when she saw herself without her hair for the first time.
“I’m not sure I would have gone through with it if Elisia hadn’t been there supporting me,” she said. “There were no mirrors during the shave, so I only saw it after it had all been shaved off. I didn’t think I looked particularly great without hair, but I didn’t mind it either.”
Since shaving her head, Maya has worn a wig to school. But she admits she can’t wait to take it off at the end of the day.
“My sister has gone to school without her wig, but I like to wear one in school, but it isn’t that comfortable, and I do end up taking it off as soon as I get in the car at the end of the day,” said Maya.
Maya said not many people know the reason why she shaved her hair, but the school has been supportive.
Her head of year, Emily Pitter, said: “I hadn’t noticed Maya was wearing a wig until her mum emailed the school to let us know the amazing bravery Maya had shown in shaving off her hair.
“That support Maya has shown her mum, and continues to throughout her treatment, and her fundraising is truly inspiring.
“Our Year 10 Charity, chosen by students, is Cancer Research Uk and we are currently selling Raffle Tickets for our Chocolate Raffle. We will also be doing an ice pop sale in the summer term. We raised over £200 from a sale last year so we are hoping to top that this year.”
The family has already raised £3,500 for Cancer Research UK from the Brave the Shave event but Sam is hoping to reach a total of raising £100,000 for the charity.
Sam is planning black tie events and cake sales and is documenting her journey on Tik Tok. Maya will also be joining her in the Race for Life event in June this year – something which is well-suited to Maya’s athletic abilities as she is a sprinter at Derby Athletics Club.
For more information on how to support Sam and Maya’s fundraising, you can follow Sam on Tik Tok @samantharathling.
This article was written by Kirsty Green on behalf of Allestree Woodlands School. Can we share your news and get you in the headlines too? Find out how we can help by getting in touch.