A refugee who is being accommodated by Derby-based Derventio Housing Trust is in the running for a prestigious Stephen Lawrence scholarship in one of the world’s top law firms.
Efrem Oumer Nasser, a 33-year-old refugee who sought asylum in the UK from his native Eritrea, is one of 100 UK hopefuls from 72 UK universities to be in with a chance of winning a highly coveted scholarship set up in memory of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence.
Efrem’s flight from the military regime in Eritrea has taken him over the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea to Germany, and then across the English Channel in a boat. He has been accommodated by Derventio Housing Trust in Derby since October 2023.

Passionate about a career in the law since he was young, he signed up to study with the Open University and was selected as its preferred candidate for the Stephen Lawrence scholarship at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer – ranked in the world’s top 20 law firms.
Efrem has already won through two stages of the process and is now heading to London this March for a two-day on the job assessment at Freshfields in order to be in with a chance of reaching the next stage of the process.
To prepare for the two days, Derventio Housing Trust is paying for a new suit for Efrem using its Sylvester’s Fund for one-off charitable purchases, so he can look business smart for two days in one of the world’s top law firms.
Efrem said: “I’ve really wanted to be a lawyer from the beginning. I used to see these politicians and businessmen and saw how they manipulated the law – because they knew it and you didn’t. I’ve always wanted to know about the law so that I can help the less fortunate benefit and the outlaws to be held responsible.
“I know I’m good at it. I understand complex logical reasoning. I’ve always been very ambitious. That was my interest but where I am from there are not the opportunities there are in England, and I want to thank the English Government and the people for giving me the chance to live my dream.”
Efrem has been volunteering for Upbeat Communities in Derby and has started a paid position there too. On arriving in this country, he undertook maths and English GCSE, and has taken out a student loan to complete his Open University law studies.
He said support from Derventio Housing Trust and his housing and support worker Carla Parkin had been very helpful.
The housing trust provides fully furnished housing to help people move away from homelessness. All Derventio residents are visited weekly by a housing and support officer, who also complete property checks ensuring any problems are resolved straight away. Officers are also able to put residents forward for training courses so they can get back to work; help secure GP appointments, provide support to help with any alcohol and drug use, along with counselling for mental health struggles.
Efrem said: “Carla comes every Monday. I’m very happy. Derventio will fix things for you immediately. They motivate us, they come, and they chat to us every week.”
Now he wants to use his story to help inspire others.
“I’m especially interested in commercial law, and it’s a dream for any commercial lawyer to work at Freshfields,” he said.
“I meet many young people from different countries, and they don’t know the opportunities that are there because in their countries there are no opportunities. All they think is that they are going to work at something and make some money to send to their families. That’s good, but many people have lots of potential. I want to work with people to show them the way and offer them chances.”
Jackie Carpenter, assistant director of strategy for Derventio Housing Trust, said: “It’s brilliant to see Efrem nominated for this amazing opportunity at Freshfields. Our Sylvester’s Fund exists to help residents with one-off purchases they need either to move on from one of our properties or to help them with their life in some way.
“It has funded all sorts of things from mobile phones to careers courses to childcare, helping people get back into the workplace or move on with their lives. We’re delighted to fund Efrem’s suit so he can look smart in London. Many people take something like buying a suit for granted but it’s a significant cost, and many cannot afford it. Good luck Efrem!”
This story was written and shared on behalf of Derventio Housing Trust by Lucy Stephens. Can we share your news and get you in the headlines too? Find out how we can help by getting in touch.