Theatrical Derby pupils are treading the boards producing and performing the premiere of a play commissioned for a nationwide festival by the National Theatre Company.
Murray Park Community School, in Mickleover, is taking part in Connections, the National Theatre’s annual festival celebrating young people, theatre-making and the importance of access to the arts.
They are performing The Periodicals by Sian Owen which is set in an alternative world after the pandemic when the Government set up ‘Troop and Trace’ to locate youngsters who had failed to return to school.

Year 10 drama pupils are taking part in the festival, which is a national outreach programme encouraging young people to perform at local and national level, as part of their GCSE curriculum.
The young performers have taken on all aspects of directing the show as well as designing and creating the set.
The pupils will perform the show in school, with representatives from the National Theatre Company in the audience to provide feedback, prior to a public performance at Derby Theatre on April 28.
Drama teacher Olympia-Rose Pattison-Corney said: “This is a huge deal because as far as we’re aware there’s no other school in Derby competing this year.
“This builds on what they’re learning and is an amazing opportunity and important life moment for them.
“The set design and creation is entirely student led. Students designed and made the set as well as collaborated on the scene development. They are fiercely passionate about it. I am beyond proud of them.
“Almost everyone else taking part is in a drama school, college or theatre group so doing this as a school is very rare.”

Gabriella Tilley, 15, said: “I think it’s really good because it gives us a chance to direct and to be really creative with the material we’ve been given.
“Working with the National Theatre Company is really cool as it opens up opportunities for us. I’ve performed at the Derby Theatre before with my dance school so it feels like home to me.
“I feel it’s a good stepping stone for us as we’re getting to perform and we are getting that help and some pointers so we can make it better.”
Paloma Carmo, 14, said: “It gives us a lot of freedom to interpret the characters how we want to. I like the play as I feel like we can relate to it as it’s talking about the virus and the closure of schools.
“I do like being on the stage and being in the school play is something I really enjoy. Performing at the Derby Theatre is a dream as it’s performing in our own city.
“I want to be a theatre actress as it’s in front of a live audience so I can see their faces.”
Jasmine Massey, 14, said: “I think it’s cool that we have the freedom to interpret the play as we want and design it ourselves so it’s all personalised.
“It’s cool working with the National Theatre Company as it’s important in theatre and performance because we will have that community around us.
“A lot of the work was done by us so it’s a big opportunity for us to express ourselves in the play.”
This story was written and shared on behalf of Murray Park by Jenny Moody. Can we share your news and get you in the headlines too? Find out how we can help by getting in touch.