An Allestree school is banishing homework woes with an afterschool club that encourages students to help each other.
Allestree Woodlands’ After School Study Club has proved a phenomenal success since launching fully in September. The homework club was started by Cover Supervisor Eleanor Ferguson to help students hand in their work on time, but it is proving to offer much more.
Ms Ferguson said: “I started a trial of the club in July, before school broke up and there was some interest, perhaps a handful of children on the two nights we ran it. But on the club’s first day of the new term, I was amazed when I saw around 20 students!”
The club now regularly gets that many students and runs four nights a week – Monday to Thursday – from 3.15pm-4pm.
As well as having access to school resources in the club, students also get support from mentors, which is an element that is proving hugely popular.
Ms Ferguson said: “We have students from Year 7 up to Year 12 attending and there is a core group of around three to four Year 12 students who come along and help younger students who need assistance.
“They are getting experience with mentoring skills and developing their own personal skills which will help when applying to university.
“For the students they help, they give them someone to look up to. They see there is going to be at a stage in the future when they may be taking A-levels and thinking of university. It’s great for them to be able talk to older children about what they are doing and why they are there.”
In addition, teachers also pop into the club to offer support when they are available, as do teaching assistants and other support staff.

Since the start of September, more than 150 students have accessed the club. As an incentive, they get a reward card which is stamped each visit and can lead to small prizes to congratulate them for their motivation.
Year 7 student Helena has visited every homework session since it started in September. She said: “I come to homework club because it reminds me to do my homework and it’s a place where it’s quiet and full of support there if you need it. It’s a good place to find friends, communicate, learn different subjects, get the support you need on your work and more.”
Staff also put on juice and biscuits to help keep energy and concentration up for the study sessions. Year 9 student Khye said: “Here at homework club you can have a drink and a biscuit, chill with your friends and do your homework.”
Ms Ferguson said the school is continuing to promote the club throughout the school and she hopes it will go from strength to strength.
“It really has gone from something which had a little interest to an absolute community,” she said.