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Street furniture expert Tim Troman joins Derbyshire-based Securiscape to help work towards a safer future


A business development manager with 30 years’ experience of street furniture industry has joined the ranks at Securiscape to help us to spread the word about our innovative high tech security HVM products.

Tim Troman will be putting his knowledge of street furniture design and development to good use on our behalf as we seek to find new customers for our PAS 68 security planters, steel bollards, cycle racks and benches, our bomb-proof litter bins and revolutionary IWA-rated Securipods.

Tim Troman has joined Derbyshire-based Securiscape. He is pictured here with Mark Stone, managing director of Securiscape (left). Penguin PR: publiuc relations, media and communications

Tim said: “Securiscape has a growing reputation for the quality and design of its security products and a large part of my role is to ensure that we continue to spread the word about how we can help businesses and organisations to protect their premises, their workforce and the public.

“Every installation we do has its own issues, so I am also particularly looking forward to using my problem-solving skills to help solve the countless public realm design challenges that we face on a day to day basis.

“I have worked with organisations from large supermarket chains to small community groups and the ethos I try to follow is to treat every customer with the same high standard of service, which is something that will follow through naturally into my role at Securiscape.”

Tim Troman has joined Derbyshire-based Securiscape. Penguin PR: public relations, media and communications

Mark Stone, managing director of Securiscape, said: “We’re thrilled to have appointed somebody of Tim’s high calibre.

“Not only is his experience and knowledge of our industry unrivalled, his attention to detail and enthusiasm for problem-solving will ensure that we are able to serve our customers’ demands in an arena where the suitability, installation and performance of security products is critical.

“We are a young company with a growing range of innovative PAS 68 and IWA products and plenty more in the pipeline, so Tim is joining us at a very exciting time.”

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